Why Smartphone Battery drains so fast? (Best Tips 2023)

Last Updated on January 8, 2023 by admin


I’m sure that many of us have experienced the frustration of having our smartphone battery drains much faster than usual. It’s a real bummer, especially when you know that you have a lot of great apps and games on your phone that you really enjoy. Unfortunately, this is just a fact of life when it comes to smartphones. This post describes why your smartphone battery drains so fast and offers tips to help you avoid this frustrating problem in the future.

There are many tips that can help you to get the most out of your Android device and increase the battery life. The good news is that there is no shortage of information on the web, and we can show you some of the best ways to get more juice out of your device.

Smartphone Battery drains so fast modque.com


Here are some tips to save your smartphone’s battery life

Stop apps that don’t need to run

Your smartphone needs to run apps all the time. If you don’t need them, close them. They may not seem useful to you, but they are necessary to your smartphone.

Close apps that you use less often. For example, your email and social media apps can be closed when you’re not actively using them. If you have an app that keeps running constantly, close it and use an alternative.

Avoid using apps that drain battery

Some apps tend to drain battery life very quickly, especially games and applications that use a lot of background data. If you don’t have to use an app, don’t install it. Apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp are notorious for draining your battery.

Keep Wi-Fi turned off

Wi-Fi can drain your smartphone’s battery quickly. This is because it is constantly looking for a connection. Turn Wi-Fi off to save battery.

Close unnecessary apps

If you don’t need an app, close it. Some apps are only useful in certain situations. For example, you might not need an app that gives you weather forecasts while driving.

Smartphone Battery drains so fast tips by modque.com

Disable Notifications

Many smartphone apps notify you about new messages and other things. These notifications can consume your battery. They also can wake up your device and drain your battery. Disable notifications from your favorite apps.

Set the time and date manually

Your smartphone has an internal clock that tells your what time it is and what day it is. If you manually set the date and time, it will only update the time and date once a day.

Use a custom ringtone

Instead of using the default ringtone, create one yourself. This will require that you know sound programming.

Change brightness

Your smartphone’s screen gets brighter when watching a video or using a photo app. Ensure that your brightness is low enough so you don’t strain your eyes.

Choose a power-saving mode

Power-saving modes are available on many smartphones. These modes turn off unnecessary features and reduce the amount of power your phone uses.

Use a screen protector

A screen protector reduces damage to your smartphone’s screen. Using a screen protector may save battery life.

Keep your phone away from a direct source of heat.

Your phone can lose a lot of battery life in extreme temperatures. If you don’t want your device to burn up, keep it in a cool place.

Use a data manager.

Your smartphone stores various types of data. It can save important information like contacts, calendars, SMS messages, and photos. Use a data manager to organize your data.


In conclusion, A smartphone is a very important part of our lives. It’s an essential tool for communication, entertainment, and navigation. But, it’s also a battery hog. The battery can run out in a matter of hours, especially if you’re not careful. This can be a real problem if you’re on the go all day long. All the above mentioned tips can help you keep your smartphone’s battery healthy and save money on charging.

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